Patch v.

Hello everyone! It's been a while, but here is a new patch for the Mistwinter Bay demo!

Patch notes

In this patch, we did the following:

  • Changed the spelling of save file to savefile in some places
  • Fixed some grammars in Celia's second hang out
  • Shortened the loading time to the town view (slightly, more on that further down)
  • Updated the cursor to make it smaller for screen resolutions of 1920x1080 or smaller
    • Also adjusted the cursor's point of origin to hopefully make it more "accurate"
  • Added underwear to the character creator when setting the body type, to make it easier to see the differences in the two body types. The underwear is only ever displayed in that menu (so you can't use it in game)

Work on the full game

Besides the above changes, we have worked a lot on the full version of the game. Most recently, we have been working on optimizing the game to make some sections (like the town view) load a lot faster. We also made the loading not "glitch", by showing the change in background abnormally, but have the screen go completely black instead. These changes, however, will not be implemented in the demo in any way, since it is simply too time consuming. This means that the demo is getting more and more dated, and at some point, we will add text at the start of the demo to reflect that (especially regarding the game's performance). We have, of course, also worked a lot on other things for the full game, mainly character hang outs and marriage (yes, marriage!). Our latest video devlog (below) discusses most of the things we have implemented in the full game so far.

In the future, we will try to make short, written devlogs here on Itch every one-three months or so, to document the continued development of the full game. We want to keep you in the loop, within reason, and show that progress is actually being made on the full game!

However, to best keep up with our work, character reveals and so on, we suggest you follow our social media channels:





We post character reveals for new character in the full game on Twitter and Instagram every two weeks. The other weeks, we post a video devlog on our YouTube channel. All of this content - and more - is collected on our Patreon. A lot of the posts on our Patreon are free, so go check them out if you're interested!

Future demo updates

We would like to inform you that it is unlikely that the demo will receive further updates. If it does, it will be to add the aforementioned disclaimer-text, along with grammatical changes and other things that may have been piling up for a while. It doesn't feel worthwhile to update the demo for any small grammatical error found. We also doubt that any major changes will be made to the demo's gameplay or performance, which is why you can expect there to be quite a long time until the next demo update. Instead, we want to focus all our time and energy on the full version of the game, in order to make it as good as possible!

With that said, we want to thank you for your support and wish you a merry Christmas and happy holidays! We look forward to continuing work on the game in 2023!


Mistwinter Bay Demo Installer v. 750 MB
Dec 22, 2022

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